A Field Guide to Amphibians and Reptiles in Arizona, Second Edition, is the must-have resource for identifying and learning about the state’s herpetofauna. This visually stunning and reader-friendly book features photographs, illustrations and natural history, making it easy to identify salamanders, toads, frogs, turtles, lizards and snakes.

The first edition was published in 2006, and the new book, published in 2022, includes additional species accounts and updated information. Among the 155 species known to be reproducing in Arizona are 25 native and five introduced amphibians and 114 native and 11 introduced reptiles.

Book details:

About the authors:

Andrew Holycross has studied amphibians and reptiles in the desert southwest for over 30 years, co-edited Snakes of Arizona, teaches at Mesa Community College and is adjunct faculty at Arizona State University. Thomas Brennan has been studying reptiles in Arizona for nearly 50 years. He received his master’s degree from Arizona State University and currently teaches chemistry and biology at Westwood High School in Mesa. A lifelong Arizonan, Randall Babb has worked with reptiles and amphibians on four continents and retired from the Arizona Game and Fish Department after more than 30 years of outreach and education work.

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