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  1. Living with Bobcats

    Bobcats tend to be abundant where food is even if a bobcat is removed, other bobcats will keep visiting the same area if the attractants are not removed. Bobcats…

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  2. Bobcat

    About Bobcats, sometimes called wildcats, are roughly twice as big as the average house cat. Most bobcats are pale brown or brownish red but coloration can vary slightly in different…

  3. Bobcat

    Wild About Arizona: Learn About the State’s Stealthy Wildcats

    …and seemingly impossible feats of athleticism. Feared, loathed and worshiped, wildcats have had a varied relationship with humans from the beginnings of time. From jaguars to bobcats, learn about these…

  4. TIPS to avoid conflicts with coyotes

    bobcats, bears or mountain lions learn to associate humans with food, they lose their fear of people, and that can lead to conflict situations that end badly for both humans…

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  5. Jaguar Conservation

    …your observation before reporting it. Surprisingly, it is very easy to mistake many things as a jaguar, including bobcats, mountain lions, feral housecats, and even dogs. It costs time and…

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  6. Base & Meridian Wildlife Area

    …the federally endangered Yuma clapper-rail and Western yellow-billed cuckoo. Mammals Press to toggle details. Mammals Common mammals include coyotes, foxes, bobcats, common raccoons, skunks, Greater Western mastiff bats, and other…

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