Small Business Bill of Rights

HB2260: Small Business Bill of Rights, Laws 2014, requires a small business bill of rights to be posted on each regulatory agency’s website and given to each business prior to any regulatory enforcement.

The small business bill of rights contains pertinent facts as noted in the statutes and agency rules, including the process and contact employees for a business person to file a complaint against an agency.  Title 41, Chapter 6, Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.), the Administrative Procedure Act, provides guidance so all state agencies function consistently, fairly and openly.  Further, A.R.S.§ 41-1001.01 outlines the rights of small businesses and specifies the information and notice requirements for all licenses, fees, inspections, rulemaking and written comments to which small businesses are entitled.

bill of rights

AZGFD Small Business Bill of Rights

HB2250: Small Business Bill of Rights Applicable Laws and Rules

right to earn a living act

SB 1437: Right to Earn a Living Act, Laws 2017, requires state agencies to post A.R.S. 41-1033 on each regulatory agency’s website.

The Act provides an additional avenue for a person to petition the Governor’s Regulatory Review Council to include the review a final rule based on the belief that the final rule was not made in compliance with rulemaking procedures and limits occupational regulations to only those deemed necessary to meet public health, safety, or welfare objectives.

U.S. Federal Poverty Guidelines Used to Determine Financial Eligibility for Certain Programs

Wildlife Civil Assessment Values Authorized Under A.R.S. § 17-314

Petition forms

Petition for Closure of State or Federal Lands to Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, or Operation of Motor Vehicles, Form 285C

Petition for a Hearing Before the Commission When No Remedy is Provided in Statute, Rule, or Policy, Form 285N

Petition for Rule or Review of Practice or Policy, Form 285Rn

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