Boating Facilities Grant Applications
Congress allocates annual funds to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to support these programs that are largely restricted to on-the-ground activities and enhance boating access and facilities for the recreational boater and angler on Arizona waterways.

See a video from a boat dock renovation, at Lake Havasu State Park.
boating facilities grants
Grant funding for various boating facility improvements is anticipated to be available through the Department’s Boating Facilities Program. Congress allocates annual funds to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to support these programs that are largely restricted to on-the-ground activities and enhance boating access and facilities for the recreational boater and angler on Arizona waterways. There are two different grant programs: Boating Infrastructure Grants (BIG) and Clean Vessel Act Grants (CVA). For this year (FY 2024), there is just one manual and one application form for both BIG and CVA. Use separate application forms if you are applying for both grants.
FY 2025 Tier 1 Boating Infrastructure Grant (BIG), and Clean Vessel Act (CVA) grants
Applications are now open for the FY 2025 BIG and CVA grants. Below are key details and deadlines:
- BIG Grant Deadline: Applications must be received by the Department no later than 5 p.m. on Monday, July 1, 2024. An estimated $300,000 is anticipated to be available.
- CVA Grant Deadline: Applications must be received by the Department no later than 5 p.m. on Monday, August 12, 2024. An estimated $1,500,000 is anticipated to be available.
Important Requirements:
- All grants awarded must adhere to the provisions of the Build America, Buy America Act. This act was enacted as part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act on November 15, 2021.
- Applicants must obtain a Unique Entity ID (UEI) to be eligible for a grant. A UEI can be obtained at
- FY 2025 Grant Application Instruction Manual for both Boating Infrastructure Grants (BIG) and Clean Vessel Act Grants (CVA).
- FY 2025 Grant Application Form for Boating Infrastructure Grants (BIG) and Clean Vessel Act grants (CVA). Note: Separate applications are required if applying for both grants.
- Form C5 – Grant Payment Request
- Form C6 – Quarterly Progress Report
- Form C7 – Project Expenditure Record
current lake levels
Arivaca Lake
Big Lake
Black Canyon
Cluff Ranch Pond #3
Fool Hollow Lake
Lee Valley
Lynx Lake
Parker Canyon Lake
Pena Blanca
Roper Lake
Gordon Bleyl P.E., Boating Facilities Program Manager
623 236-7478
Boating Access and Navigational Aids Request for Service
Recreation in Arizona
License your off-highway vehicle for going out on trails. Check out the lakes in Arizona and what they have to offer.
buy your OHV decal
OHVs are required by law to display a valid Arizona decal to operate on public and state trust lands in Arizona.
spend some time boating on arizona lakes
See information about many Arizona lakes, including fishing, facilities and lake amenities.