Ready to Get Out and Hunt?
Read about a tag that does not require an application for a hunt draw, or learn about transferring your tag.
Acquire a Non-Permit Tag, or Transfer a Tag
Find the information you need.

There are many opportunities to go hunting that do not require hunters to submit an application for a hunt permit-tag via the draw.
These tags are also referred to as over-the-counter tags.

tag transfer
Under Arizona Revised Statutes A.R.S. 17-332, there are circumstances where a big game hunt permit-tag can be transferred. Should you be unable to use your big game tag, the Department is unable to reimburse you for your fees or reinstate your bonus points.
Want to Go Hunting in Arizona?
Find ways to experience big game and small game hunting or find a mentored hunt camp.
buy your hunting license
Arizona residents and non-residents 10 years and older need a valid hunting license to hunt in Arizona.
find a mentored hunt camp
The award-winning Outdoor Skills Network is your source for hands-on, learn-to-hunt events.