Understand the Conservation Role Sportsmen Play
Regardless of whether one chooses to actively participate in hunting or angling, people interested in wildlife and its future should understand the conservation role sportsmen play.
Hunting and angling are the cornerstones of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation. These activities continue to be the primary source of funding for conservation efforts in North America. Through self-imposed excise tax on hunting, angling and shooting sports equipment, hunters and anglers have generated more than $10 billion toward wildlife conservation since 1939.

north American model (Nam)
Hunting and angling are the cornerstones of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation. These activities continue to be the primary source of funding for conservation efforts in North America, through a 10 – 12% excise tax on hunting, angling and shooting sports equipment.
sportsmen’s role in wildlife conservation
Hunters and anglers have generated more than $10 billion toward wildlife conservation since 1937. Though past conservation efforts have focused on hunted species, non-hunted species reap the rewards as well. Protecting wetlands for ducks, forests for deer and grasslands for pronghorn have saved countless non-hunted species from peril. Regardless of whether one chooses to actively participate in hunting or angling, people interested in wildlife and its future should understand the conservation role sportsmen play.
arizona’s 7 core concepts of conservation
- Wildlife is Held in the Public Trust
- Regulated Commerce in Wildlife
- Hunting and Angling Laws are Created Through
Public Process - Hunting and Angling Opportunity for All
- Hunters and Anglers Fund Conservation
- Wildlife is an International Resource
- Science is the Basis for Wildlife Policy
arizona sportsmen’s contributions
No state general fund monies are used for wildlife conservation in Arizona (In many states, general taxpayers usually do not pay for wildlife conservation). Arizona’s sportsmen, however, do contribute:
- Arizona hunters and anglers spend $1.3 billion a year.
- Their spending directly supports 21,000 jobs and generates $124 million in state and local taxes. This especially benefits rural communities.
- Sportsmen support nearly twice as many jobs in Arizona as Raytheon, one of the state’s largest employers (21,000 jobs vs. 11,000 jobs).
- Annual spending by Arizona sportsmen is nearly three times more than the combined revenues of The Go Daddy Group, Sprouts Farmers Market and Cold Stone Creamery, which are some of the state’s fastest growing companies ($1.3 billion vs. $481 million).
- The economic stimulus of hunting and fishing equates to $3.8 million a day being pumped into the state’s economy.
* “Hunting and Fishing: Bright Stars of the American Economy ~ A force as big as all outdoors” (2007) – Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation
ethical hunting is everyone’s business
Tree stands and blinds near waterholes can be exciting places to encounter wildlife and are legal tools to aid in your hunting experience and enjoyment. However, if you have ever hunted from a tree stand or blind on a waterhole, you’ve probably encountered other hunters wanting to hunt the same area. You may even have had a negative encounter with another hunter when deciding who was going to stay and hunt. Here are some important tips, ethically speaking, to keep in mind when planning to hunt around a waterhole on public land:
- Waterholes on public and state lands belong to everyone, and everyone should enjoy free and equal access.
- Responsible hunters should respect other hunters’ privileges. They
should leave the area if another hunter gets to a waterhole first. - Ethically responsible hunters will always yield to another hunter who
has reached the waterhole first on any given morning or evening
during the hunt. - Simply posting a sign/notice on or near a waterhole does not give
anyone the exclusive right to hunt that waterhole; the hunter actually needs to be present. - Hanging a tree stand near a waterhole does not entitle a person to
exclusive hunting rights to that waterhole. It may be unlawful to leave tree stands hanging or blinds set for extended periods of time.They may be considered abandoned property and subject to seizure.
“First Come – First Serve” is a common courtesy that should be used when more than one person wants to hunt the same area or waterhole, regardless of who has a tree stand or blind in the area. The Arizona Game and Fish Department reminds all hunters that confrontations in hunting situations can involve firearms and hot tempers. Whether you are in the city or next to a waterhole, any threats, intimidation, assault, or disorderly conduct can result in citations, arrests and/or jail time. Do not allow yourself to get into a situation like that — ethical hunting is everyone’s business.
Want to Go Hunting in Arizona?
Find ways to experience big game and small game hunting or find a mentored hunt camp.
buy your hunting license
Arizona residents and non-residents 10 years and older need a valid hunting license to hunt in Arizona.
find a mentored hunt camp
The award-winning Outdoor Skills Network is your source for hands-on, learn-to-hunt events.