Chevelon Canyon Wildlife Area consists of five parcels, and all of them contain intermittent riparian, upland meadow, and wet meadow habitats associated with ponderosa pine ecosystems.
Chevelon Canyon Wildlife Area consists of five parcels totaling 157.95 acres, four of which were acquired in November 1961. The last parcel was obtained in May 1968. The properties provide protection of sensitive habitats. All five properties contain intermittent riparian, upland meadow, and wet meadow habitats associated with ponderosa pine ecosystems. These three habitat types are of key importance since they are limited habitats found within the ponderosa pine ecosystems.

Chevelon Canyon Wildlife Area is located 25-50 miles south of Winslow in Sitgreaves National Forest in Coconino County.

Common vegetation includes grassland (gramma and dropseed) meadow surrounded by pine, with ponderosa pine being the dominant species.

Common birds include wild turkey, northern goshawks, peregrine falcons, Mexican spotted owls, golden eagles, and belted kingfishers.

Common mammals include elk, mule deer, Abert’s squirrel, and fringed and Arizona myotis bats.

The management objectives and goals for all of the Chevelon Canyon Ranches is to maintain high quality, riparian, wet meadow, and upland habitat for the exclusive use of wildlife. All of the properties are surrounded by USFS lands, which are managed for multiple-use. All are within a federal grazing allotment, although Arizona Game and Fish Commission properties are excluded through fencing.
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