Sunflower Flat Wildlife Area is a stopover point for migratory birds & a travel corridor for big game; therefore it is highlighted as a premier location for wildlife viewing.
Sunflower Flat Wildlife Area (SFWA) is located about 15 miles southeast of Williams, Arizona, on the Kaibab National Forest. The property is 160 acres, with approximately 120 acres within an ephemeral wetland located in an ancient lake bed. There is an earthen stock tank at the northeast corner of the property. The remaining 40 acres is upland habitat of grassland with scattered ponderosa pine. There are no designated roads into or within Sunflower Flat; therefore, access to the property is on foot only.
From Williams, go southeast on Forest Road 141 about five miles to Forest Road 109. Take this south about three miles to Forest Road 14. Go south and west one mile and look for an unmarked road on the left. Sunflower Flat is about a half mile down this road.
Wetland species such as sedges, spikerush, and bulrush can be found at SFWA. Ponderosa pines dominate the habitat up-slope of the ephemeral wetland.
Common birds in the area include osprey, bald eagles, great blue herons, white-faced ibis, American avocets, ruddy ducks, Canada geese, mallards, redheads, ringnecks, green-wing teals, blue-wing teals, cinnamon teals, northern pintails, buffleheads, northern shovelers, gadwalls, wigeons, and mourning doves.
Common mammals in the area include elk, pronghorn, mule deer, coyotes, gray foxes, Abert’s squirrels, bobcats, striped skunks, and raccoons.
Amphibians and Reptiles
Common amphibians and reptiles in the area include canyon tree frogs and great short-horned lizards.
Sunflower Flat Mountain Wildlife Area is managed by AZGFD.
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