Backyard Bats: Bat/Hummingbird Feeder Study
Volunteers are needed for a hummingbird feeder monitoring study. Participation by households throughout southern Arizona is encouraged to determine the presence of lesser long-nosed bats. It’s easy and interesting to volunteer on this citizen science project!

How to participate
- Monitor your feeder at least once per week, measuring the level of fluid in the feeder just before it gets dark and again in the early morning.
- Input your data on this website using the “Weekly Data Input Form” below. We will also ask you to fill out the “End of Season Summary Form” one time in the winter when the bats have begun their migration and stopped visiting your feeder.
- Additional information and detailed instructions can be found in the links below.
study participation
Lesser long-nosed bat
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Species Information
Bat Conservation International Species Information
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lesser Long-Nosed Bat Recovery Plan
2018 U.S. Fish and Wildlife News Release – Lesser Long-nosed Bat Has Recovered
2018 U.S. Fish and Wildlife – Lesser Long-nosed Bat Delisting Q&A
Select study results
“Free” Food: Nectar Bats at Hummingbird Feeders in Southern Arizona
A Brief Summary of What We’ve Learned: 2014
A Brief Summary of What We’ve Learned: 2010
2007-2008 LLNB Urban Movement Report
In the media
Arizona Daily Star 2017: No Species is an Island
Bat Conservation International 2012: Midnight Raiders
Emily Scobie, Arizona Game & Fish Department,
Scott Richardson, US Fish & Wildlife Service,
Ted Fleming, Emeritus Professor,
Angie McIntire, Statewide Bat Lead, Arizona Game & Fish Department,
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