Data Systems within the Heritage Program

The Heritage Data Management System (HDMS) is part of a global network of more than 80 Natural Heritage Programs and Conservation Data Centers. HDMS information is available so Arizonans can make prudent decisions weighing future development, economic growth, and environmental integrity. Using published and unpublished reports, data collected by cooperating agencies, review of scientific collections, collaboration with professionals and many other sources of information, HDMS identifies wildlife, plants and geographic areas of special concern in Arizona, and consolidates information about their status and distribution within the State.

The Online Environmental Review Tool (ERT) provides a special status species list for Phase I Environmental Compliance and NEPA documents, and provides information and guideline links for incorporating wildlife conservation into project planning. This information can be used to guide preliminary decisions and assessments of proposed land and water development, management, and conservation projects.

heritage data management system

Abstracts below provide information on taxonomy, identification and description, biology, distribution, population trends, management, photos and illustrations and references as available for each special status species.

Species lists, status definitions, ranking definitions


Distribution maps, photos and illustrations.

Invertebrates including mollusks

heritage fund program

For more than 20 years the Heritage Fund has made a difference not just to wildlife conservation efforts, but also to the state’s economy, public access, environmental education and outdoor recreation.

Online environmental review tool (ert)

To obtain information on special status, environmental compliance and NEPA documents, submit your request through this tool, or contact the Project Evaluation Program.

project review requests

Contact Project Evaluation Program (PEP)

Data Submissions to HDMS

Submit data for inclusion to the HDMS, by filling out an Element Occurrence Card, and mailing to the address below, or submit your information through our iNaturalist application or website.

Online submission tool – contact hdms for log in credentials.
Data can be submitted for inclusion to HDMS by filling out an Element Occurrence Card and emailing or through our online application. Send requests for login credentials to

Element Occurrence Card PDF
Element Occurrence Card (Word format)

Data Requests from HDMS

HDMS Program Coordinator
623 236-7618
623 236-7366 Fax

Arizona Game & Fish Department
WMHB – HDMS Program
5000 W. Carefree Hwy
Phoenix, AZ 85086-5000

Want to Get Involved with Wildlife Conservation?

Volunteer your time, or donate to help us with conserving and protecting our wildlife. When you purchase a hunting or fishing license online, resources go back into wildlife conservation.

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With your help, we can continue to conserve & protect Arizona’s wildlife.


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