Live Barn Owls Camera
This live-streaming camera provides viewers the opportunity to watch these beautiful migrants starting around October until March/ April when they leave for their northern migration to the nesting grounds. We hope you enjoy these unique views!
Tour Arizona Wildlife Live, through our Cams
SPECIES: Barn Owl (Tyto alba)
SEASON: Mostly January – June
ACTIVE TIMES: Anytime; hunting and feeding activity at night, resting during the day.
About the sandhill crane
The Barn Owl can be found on all continents except Antarctica, making them the most widespread of owls. These owls are primarily nocturnal and rely on keen hearing to locate its prey. They feed mostly on rodents and have been documented bringing up to 6 mice to their nest in a 35 minute period (Bunn et al. 1982). Their heart-shaped facial features are unmistakable characteristics that earned them the name “monkey-faced owl.”
What to expect on the cams
This stream shows an unedited glimpse of nature in all its beauty and occasional harsh reality. Viewers may witness a variety of behaviors that seem cruel, such as feeding on other animals. Viewer discretion is advised.
Aggressive interactions between growing siblings can result in injury or death within the nest. AZGFD likely will not intervene if/when problems arise and may choose to temporarily interrupt the stream, if needed.
You can expect to see the Barn Owl resting during the day time hours, and then leaving to hunt and bring back its prey to the nest in the night time hours.
how the cam is funded
If you enjoy this stream, help support it and other wildlife viewing program activities by making a donation.
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