Guide Licenses for Hunting and Fishing
The Department offers three different types of guide licenses; hunting, fishing, or hunting and fishing combination guide. There are two different examinations for these licenses, a hunting guide examination and a fishing guide examination. If a combination guide license is desired, both the examinations must be taken. Once licensed, a guide must complete a Department-sanctioned continuing education course at least once every five years.

Hunting or fishing guide is defined as..
A guide is defined as a person who does any of the following:
- Advertises for guiding services.
- Is presented to the public for hire as a guide.
- Is employed by a commercial enterprise as a guide.
- Accepts compensation in any form commensurate with the market value in this state for guiding services in exchange for aiding, assisting, directing, leading, or instructing a person in the field to locate and take wildlife.
- Is not a landowner or lessee who, without full fair market compensation, allows access to the landowner’s or lessee’s property and directs and advises a person.

Guide license renewal and purchase
Guide License Renewal Information – see FAQs below
Purchase a guide license online
Guide License Frequently Asked Questions
Find the information you need to be a hunting or fishing guide.
to obtain a guide license
In order to obtain a guide license a person must first possess a valid hunting and/ or fishing license. Residency requirements are waived for guide licenses. A person must submit a complete and accurate guide license application. The guide applicant must also take a guide test, and pass with a score of 80% or better. The guide tests are given at all department offices.
guide application process
- A guide license applicant must first obtain the appropriate resident or nonresident hunting or fishing license prior to applying for a guide license.
- Study the current hunting and fishing regulations, boating laws and rules (for the fishing guide test). - Fill out guide license application completely and accurately.
- Schedule to take guide examination at any Department office. The guide examination consists of a 50 question test for either the hunting or fishing guide license, or a 100 question test for the combination hunting/ fishing guide license. Applicants must score at least 80% on each examination to pass.
- Include a payment of $300 for the guide license.
- If renewing a guide license, the renewal application and the guide report must be received by the Department by Jan. 10 following the license year.
special consideration for guides
- Many western states have a Guide Associations or Boards which regulate commercial guide and/or outfitter enterprises. Currently Arizona does not have a formal Guide Association or Board and the department is the regulating authority.
- The state of Arizona does not offer or require an “Outfitter” license. Outfitters are generally defined in many jurisdictions as an enterprise that provides equipment or supplies, or a commercial pack or camp service, other than assisting for pay in the take of wildlife.
- Most federal jurisdictions in Arizona, including the United States Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management, require a commercial permit if a guide or outfitter wishes to offer commercial services on federal lands or jurisdictions. These permits can be obtained at the appropriate land management agency offices and often have a fee and reporting requirements.
- Guide Licenses are only available online through the portal. All Guide License holders are required to report their guiding activity to the department by January 10 following the license year. A Guide Report is required to be submitted even if no persons were guided. Simply indicate, “No Persons Guided,” on the report.
- Guides are required to immediately report any violations committed by their client to the department.
Guide license renewal
- Once the initial guide license is obtained, the license can be automatically renewed at the end of the license year provided that the license holder has submitted their renewal application and the guide report to the department by Jan. 10 following the license year.
- By rule, if a guide is in the renewal process their previous years guide license is still valid until the renewal guide license is issued.
- If the renewing guide fails to submit the required renewal application and/ or guide report within the timeframe outlined by rule, the guide will have to re-take the guide test in order to renew their guide license.
- A failure to submit the required guide report by Jan. 10 following the license year, is a violation of ARS 17-362, and the guide may be issued a citation and have their guide privileges administratively suspended for one year. Subsequent violations may result in having the guide license suspended by the Game and Fish Commission for up to five years.