Ben Avery Rifle and Pistol Shooting Facilities
Founded in 1957, the Ben Avery Shooting Facility (BASF), formerly the Black Canyon Shooting Range, is one of the largest publicly operated shooting facilities in the country.
Our world-class shooting range is a City of Phoenix Point of Pride. It has received a Five Star rating from the National Association of Shooting Ranges. This means that it is the best of the best at providing a quality recreation experience and is the first government facility to receive this designation.

- 67-point covered main range and specialty ranges
- Five field archery ranges
- FITA range
- Clay Target Center
- 3 campgrounds
- 67-point covered main range and specialty ranges
- Five field archery ranges
- FITA range
- Clay Target Center
- 3 campgrounds
- 67-point covered main range and specialty ranges
- Five field archery ranges
- FITA range
- Clay Target Center
- 3 campgrounds
- 67-point covered main range and specialty ranges
- Five field archery ranges
- FITA range
- Clay Target Center
- 3 campgrounds
- 67-point covered main range and specialty ranges
- Five field archery ranges
- FITA range
- Clay Target Center
- 3 campgrounds
Public ranges are available throughout the year, including the clay target center. Specialty ranges are for user groups only.

Facilities map
Public Use Ranges
Main Range – This range is used by the general public for recreational shooting. It has 67 positions at distances from 5 yards to 200 yards. All types of firearms may be used with the exceptions of .416 Barrett Round, .50 BMG (Browning Machine Gun) Round, Tracer Rounds, and Armor Piercing Rounds. This range is restricted to public use only.
Frank L. DeSomma Range – A rifle range with a covered cement shooting pad featuring steel targets at 200, 300, 400 and 500 meters. Target size varies by distance, currently the range has 4″-20″ steel targets on the 200 and 300 meter line, and 6″-24″ on the 400 and 500 meter line. For safety reasons armor-piercing, steel core/steel jacket, solid copper bullets or other hardened bullets are STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Tracers, incendiary, and explosive rounds are also prohibited. Ammo may be inspected to ensure safety guidelines are followed.
300 Yard Range – A hard canopy covered with a cement shooting pad with 15 lanes which allows shooting from varying positions (prone, standing, bench, etc.). The range has concrete target bases at 100, 200 and 300 yards. Although normally reserved for DPS use Monday through Friday the 300 Yard Range is available for public use during the period of Jan. 1 – Aug. 31 on Saturday and Sunday, and during the period of Sept. 1 – Nov. 30 the range is available Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Types of Ranges
Find out about the ranges at Ben Avery Shooting Facility before shooting.
specialty ranges
User group agreement required.
Indoor Airgun/Archery – The indoor airgun and archery building is an air conditioned configurable building that can meet a variety of shooting needs. It has firing positions for 40 Air Guns OR 24 Archery OR 12 Air Gun and 24 Archery positions available. This building may also be reserved for large events or ceremonies. Note: Extra fees apply for use.
Smallbore Range – This range features lighting for night shooting and a covered concrete shooting pad with wooden shooting tables. This is primarily a rifle range, although pistols may be fired on this range with some restrictions. Target holders are located at 50 feet, 25, 50 and 100 yards, and 50 meters.
High Power Range – This range features shooting positions at 100, 200, 300, 500, 600, 800, 900 and 1,000 yards, and is used for competitive shooting as well as training purposes. .
Frank L. DeSomma Range – A covered cement shooting pad featuring steel targets at 200, 300, 400 and 500 meters. Equipped with the capability of placing silhouette animals at 200/300/400/500 meters, for the rifle silhouette shooting discipline. Applicable restrictions are outlined within the User Group Terms & Conditions.
DPS – Uncovered 100 yard range with target holders available to use at 100 yard position only located at the backstop. The firing line can be backed up from the target holders to meet the distance needs of your event. Covered bleachers are available for shade.
Benchrest Range – This range has a maximum distance of 300 yards, and although it is designed for benchrest competitive shooting it can be used for other types of shooting disciplines approved by a Rangmaster.
Pistol Ranges 2,3,4 – Open 25-yard bays, with canopy, no tables and 15 target positions located at backstop only. Pistol only.
Practical Pistol Bays
- 6 available bays, A, B, C, D, E & F
- Bays A, B, C & D are 100 yards
- Bays E & F are 15 yards
- Bays C & D have cement pads, a canopy, wooden shooting tables and stools. Lights are available for night shooting on bays C & D.
Pistol Silhouette Range – A covered cement shooting pad featuring silhouette animals at varying distances out to 200 meters, specifically designed for the pistol silhouette shooting discipline.
Mounted Shooting Arena – Two enclosed riding areas for practicing the discipline of Cowboy Mounted Shooting.
Rifle Ranges 1 & 2 – This range features a covered concrete shooting pad with wooden shooting tables, stools, 15 shooting points with 50 meter, 50 and 100 yard target distances.
Want to Shoot at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility?
Shoot at the rifle and pistol range, or shoot at the clay target facility, or spend some time at our archery range.
make a reservation for a shoot time
Online reservations are highly recommended.
take a class at basf
Introductory firearms classes, introductory archery clinics, and range safety volunteer courses.