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  1. Allen’s Lappet-browed Bat

    The Allen’s lappet-browed bat makes an audible loud “peep” at a frequency of about once per second when flying…

  2. Townsends Big-eared Bat

    The Townsend’s big-eared bat has large rabbit-like ears and two lumps (pararhinal glands) on its snout.

  3. Huachuca Woodlandsnail

    The Huachuca woodlandsnail, like other native land snails, spends much of its life in a resting state known as “estivation” …

  4. Verde Rim Spring Snail

    Springsnails feed on young watercress, water pennywort, and the thin biofilm of algae and diatoms that cover…

  5. Greater Western Mastiff Bat

    The greater western mastiff bat emits a distinctive, audible “chirp” every two to three seconds while in flight…

  6. Northern Grasshopper Mouse

    Grasshopper mice are unique in that they have a mostly carnivorous diet of insects and have even been known to eat other mice…


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